Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to gift kindle gift cards directly

Before November 19, 2010, it was impossible to gift an eBook directly. This was the frustration that slapped the face of those who love to buy eBooks in an effort to save trees, and consequently, the environment. Today, I have the pleasure of asking you to forget the gift card, kindle eBooks can now be gifted directly.

How awesome it is to purchase an eBook of your choice as a gift and give it to anyone you wish as long as they have an email. Additionally, they do not need to have a kindle for them to read the book. The question that most people ask is, "how do you read kindle books without a kindle?" Relax and read on to find out.For more information, please refer toKindle gift card site.

Amazon, in realizing the plight endured by most people who would like to gift eBooks directly, but cant because the intended recipients do not have a kindle, has developed a custom made solution for such people. It is now possible through the magic of kindle apps to read kindle books despite the fact that you may not have a kindle.

This kindle app is available for almost all devises that can open an eBook. For example, there are kindle apps for laptops, iPads, and iPhones. Through Amazon's web-based kindle platform, it is possible to read a kindle book online without downloading any software. However, there is a kindle reader that is available for download and installation on a Mac or a PC. Android and Blackberry devises have their own kindle applications.

Through the kindle gift feature, a new option in the Amazon kindle store, you can now give kindle books as gifts. To do so, click the "Give as a Gift button" which will prompt you to sign into your Amazon account. Thereafter, you will have to enter the email of the recipient on the screen where you pay for the eBook. Moreover, it is possible to add a personal note that will be made available to the recipient.Another good site is thiskindle coupon site.

This application has made it possible, for the first time, to give eBooks to friends and relatives in other countries. More than ever before, this is the time to gift books directly to anyone you have ever wished. You now have a reason to smile. You can send a book to a friend without paying any delivery fee.

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